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Sir William Morgan

Sir William Morgan was born in 1560, and lived in the old stone house. He was probably the grandfather of the man who built the new Tredegar.
On July 17th 1645, Sir William Morgan had a very important visitor to the old stone house - King Charles I. On June 14th, the Royalist forces led by Charles had lost the Battle of Naseby, and had lost their artillery and about 5000 men. Charles was travelling throught the country trying to gain support from the gentlemen of the day. The Morgans were 'moderate royalists' during the Civil War, and William was called 'that malignent Morgan' by Oliver Cromwell.
William was 85 at this point, a very good age, for at this time only 1 in 10 men got past the age of 40. In the picture you can see in the portrait gallery, William is supposed to be shown at the age of 90, though it is not likely he would have looked quite that good!
William Morgan died in 1653 at the age of 93.

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